Medical Hebrew
Ulpan Aviv & the Israeli Medical Association Residency Program for Panama
Extract from “Around the Globe”, IMA. No. 32, January 2020 (printed version):
We arrived in Israel on the 28th of October (2019), after months of expectation. Our team comprises five Panamanian doctors who will train in different medical specialties. [..]. This project came as a fruitful result of years of negotiation and planning, culminating in a Letter of Understanding in the medical field between Panama and Israel. [..] A month and a half have passed since we formally began studying Hebrew. Most of the lessons take place at the Israeli Medical Association’s offices in Ramat Gan, under the supervision of Gil Pentzak from Ulpan Aviv, a wonderful and passionate teacher who diligently shares his love for his native language. [..] The process of easing into a different, yet incredibly rich culture gets intertwined with Hebrew in our everyday life. I think I speak for everybody on my team, that it is very difficult not to be appreciative of this opportunity [..] We are all very happy and thankful to be here, hopeful for what the future brings, and ready to show what Panama has to offer, and give back.
Dr. Mia Levy
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