Bram Kortums
Coming from Holland with no previous knowledge of Hebrew, Bram started to study with Ulpan Aviv in August of this year. Bram lives in Southern Israel, on a Kibutz next to Ashkelon and has been travelling the not so short distance between Askelon and our TLV branch in order to study 3 times a week. Staring with getting to know the Alef-Beit and moving on to sentence structure and conversational skills, Bram was also introduced to Hebrew grammar. For the whole month, Bram put in a lot of effort to revise the material that he was learning in his sessions and putting what he had learnt in to practice in his daily life. Saray, his teacher, together with the entire Ulpan Aviv team, was very happy to present him with his certificate at the end of the 10 lessons, stating that he had successfully completed level Alef. Bram is currently taking his Beit course with us and making great progress.
We are all very proud of Bram’s fruitfull efforts and wish him much success in his following courses.